Kugler BIMETAL has constructed a powerful know-how in tribology with more than 60 years in the field of anti-friction.
The Bimetal solutions combine a bronze coating on a steel substrate, attending to higher tribological and mechanical performance, purely functional design and outstanding power density.
Since 1950 Kugler BIMETAL SA has manufactured, exclusively, parts in steel/Kugler-TOKAT bronze, intended to solve problems of friction. These parts have been developed to meet the most demanding applications where extreme operating conditions are encountered: severe mechanical stresses, high speeds, high accuracy and high temperatures. Such parts, machined to very precise tolerances, are found in the following areas of application: aeronautics, defence, transport, all kinds of machinery, hydraulics, etc.
Based in Geneva, the company has expertise in:
✔️ Axial Piston Pump – Barrel
✔️ Guide Bearing L
✔️ Radial Bearing
We are glad to have them in our network since 2017.
Learn more about Kugler Bimetal : www.bimetal.ch
Vincent Gillet, CEO of Kugler Bimetal and Head of the Decarbonization Committee of GAIN
▪️ Vincent, what are you passionate about ?
I am found of human capital and strongly believe on the virtue of sharing information, cross expertise and best practices with other companies to improve mutually. I love entrepreneurship and people that empower themselves to conduct the projects they believe in and that have a concrete outcome for the benefit of our customers and stakeholders.
▪️ What do you work on ?
I try to create the best setting in the company I manage to make things happen and focus everyone on the items that matters.
▪️ Why did you decide to join GAIN ?
If you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far, go together”. This is a classic proverb but it highlights well why Kugler Bimetal joined the GAIN family.
▪️ What do you like the most about it ?
The goodwill of its members and the great support we have from OPI and our Secretary Generale !
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